Confessions a 20th century ne'er do well: Drinking, fighting, stealing and other things one generally ought not do

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Investigations into the Invisible World

There is a documentary called Investigations into the Invisible World on Sundance Channel.
The thesis is that in Iceland, many people believe in elves, fairies and trolls. So the filmmaker is interviewing people with stories about their experiences talking to these mythical creatures.

What is interesting about this thesis is that there is a fantasy book series called "His Dark Materials" - kind of an athiest's "Chronicals of Narnia." Where a multitude of worlds exist, and the bridge between these worlds is up north (in another world, probably equal to iceland in this world). So I wonder if this Iceland thing is well known.
Also, I wonder if this documentary is being shown to prime people for the impending movie of the book.

But here is the most important - and appealing - line I've heard yet in this documentary. A little girl tells of her experience with a creature of myth.....

".......The elf woman opened her door and I went inside. She gave me a spiral-shaped cake and some funnny BANANA JUICE......"



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