Try Take Five, and Who is Proust?
Who is this guy Marcel Proust? I keep hearing his name as a pinicle of literatary achivement, but I have no idea who he is. Someone said about the Davinvi Code "It's not Proust" to signify it was easy reading.
Tim in the office says he likes the novels of Proust to signify that he's a high brow guy.
In this movie South Pacific, this Plantation owner (who believes in freedom, but owns a plantation, cause natives often freely choose to give up half their island and tend to it for some foreign dude's benefit), tries to woo this nurse by telling her he has proust novels in his library (because something like that would be impossible to get on the mainland).
One time, TAB mentioned Proust on his blog and even CL got excited about it.
Can someone sum up for me:
Who the hell is Proust?
What does he signify?
What is so great about him?
Is this something I need to concern myself with?
Also in South Pacific, there is an island called Bananali High.
Which is funny, because that's also where Bananaman went to high school.
Most importantly,
I've just discovered the new best candy bar ever concieved.
It's made of pretzels, caramel, peanuts, peanut butter, and milk chocolate.
It's called a Take 5. I don't even know what made me try it.